We had a typical Trentino meal with polenta, crauti (sauerkraut), sausages and strudel. Greg McGarry, who represented our club on the 2017 youth exchange, delivered a fabulous presentation, describing his Trentino roots and his experience with the exchange program. At the event we also had a few visitors from Trentino. Glenda Bacca was accompanied by her cousin from Rumo, Marinella Fanti, along with her partner Gianluca Paris from Cles. Glenda has recently hosted several relatives and friends from Trentino, including Nadia Lucchini, the cousin that translated her book Rumo Is Calling. Also present at the event was Silke Bridi from Trento. Silke spent a few months in Sonoma with relatives on her mother’s side. She is an event manager.
Christmas Lunch 2018
Our Christmas event was on Sunday December 9th. Once again Father Alberto Mengon arranged for us to have our gathering at the lovely campus of the Salesian College Preparatory School in Richmond. Thank you Father Mengon!!