Coro (Chorus) Brenta of Tione

Cari Trentini,
At the end of this month, the Coro (Chorus) Brenta of Tione di Trento will perform in San Francisco, San Jose and Santa Rosa.  This is a rare occasion not to be missed!

– Saturday, 4/26 – Mission Dolores Basilica – 6pm
3321 16th Street, San Francisco. Free event.

– Sunday, 4/27 – St. Mary’s Cathedral – 10:30am-11 concert
1111 Gough Street, San Francisco. The chorus will also sing during the 11am
mass celebrating the canonization of Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul II.

– Sunday, 4/27 – San Jose – 5pm
Italian American Heritage Foundation (IAHF)
425 North Fourth Street, San Jose
4-5pm social hour; 5pm concert; 6:30 Trentino dinner
Cost: $20 adults; children 12 & under $10. Beverages extra.
See the attached flier OR go to the IAHF WEB PAGE:

Coro Brenta 2014

– Monday, 4/28 – Sonoma – 3pm
Jacuzzi Family Vineyards 24724 Arnold Drive, Sonoma. Free public concert.

– Monday, 4/28 – Santa Rosa – 6pm
Oakmont Village Active Adult Retirement Community
Oakmont Recreational Facility, 7902 Oakmont Dr. Santa Rosa
5-6pm social hour; 6pm concert; 7 dinner
Donation: $20 and includes wine
to make a reservation write to: