Every summer the Province of Trentino organizes a youth exchange program.
Unfortunately, our club has not had a participant in the last couple of years. Emily Kalstad of the Seattle Club took advantage of this program last summer and spent time with the Schwarz family of Smarano in the Val di Non.
Then, 26-year-old Giulia Schwarz spent time with the Kalstad family in Seattle. Giulia’s mother is a member of the Menapace/Pilati family from Tassullo and related to our club members Linda, Valerie, and David Pizzorno.
Giulia came to California to do some sightseeing and to visit her relatives. Several members of our club hosted and assisted her: Dan Aspromonte and his son Daniel, Lino and Janet Rizzi, Michael Job and Heidi Vitlacil. Dan Aspromonte even discovered that his cousin and Giulia’s father attended high school together in Cles and were the best of friends. It’s certainly a small world!