Trentino Youth Council

In September of 2018, a group of young Trentini gathered in New York City to create the Trentino Youth Council. Anthony Zueck represented our club at this event. There were 14 participants in all. The others hailed from Wyoming, Toronto and the host city New York. This was preceded in 2017 by the β€œBlueprint” youth gathering in Wyoming, with the participation of Greg McGarry and Marina Brun from our club, and then a gathering in Toronto in 2018. Discussion focused on how to get youth more involved in the clubs. The jam-packed weekend included a visit to Ellis Island, Trentino wine tasting, a bocce tournament and participation in the annual picnic of the New York Trentino Club. The Trentino nel Mondo magazine featured the group on the cover of the September 2018 issue.

Anthony Zueck standing in the center next to the young lady with the purple top